MeteorCalc SL is a powerful cross-platform CAD plugin for designing electrical part of outdoor lighting networks such as street lighting and tunnel lighting installations. You can fully automate all electrotechnical calculations, computations of specifications and drawing of electrical schemes.
Main features:
MeteorCalc SL supports the 400/230V (TN) 50Hz voltage systems in street lighting networks and the Metric system of units in dwg-files. The nominal voltage is adjustable within 220/380V - 250/440V according to regional standards.
This software is not intended for performing lighting calculations.
The street lighting model should be created in a drawing with scale 1 unit = 1 meter. The MeteorCalc SL enables to create street lighting models of any level of complexity. Restrictions quantity of branches and their level of an enclosure are not present.
The street lighting model can be located in a separate dwg-file or can be situated directly in the street lighting project file as the part of your project.
Drawing of accurate and detailed schemes of street lighting feeders is very simple with the MeteorCalc SL.
For drawing a scheme MeteorCalc SL carries out SC-current calculations and voltage loss calculations in the selected end point.
The MeteorCalc SL allows to perform all required electrical calculations for designing street lighting installations. The minimum and maximum short-circuit currents are calculated according to IEC60909 (last edition 2016) for all end points in the street lighting feeders.
According to the IEC 60909 for balanced and unbalanced short circuits it is useful to calculate short-circuit currents by application of symmetrical components. The symmetrical components method allows to calculate all types of short-circuit currents at any point in a street lighting feeder with a high degree of accuracy.
The program has a calculation process, which is open to monitoring. On user request every step of all the electrical calculations can be thoroughly checked.
MeteorCalc SL allows to obtain the following bills of materials and explications of SL-objects:
Results of the specification are output into the drawing in a form of a table.
Users who previously worked practically in manual mode, say that they began to make their projects 10 or more times faster. Those, who used third-party programs and lost a lot of time on transfer data from the CAD platform to calculation software and back, believe that they began to work 3-5 times faster and feel much more comfortable at the same time. Check out our customers feedback.
How much time do you need to make an outdoor lighting project similar to the one shown in the example #2 “Park lighting” (around 80 park luminaires)?
The placement of the luminaires and the drawing of cable routes on the plan are performed manually for both options. The following table illustrates a comparison of further work done using standard workflow versus MeteorCalc SL.
Design stage | Standard workflow | MeteorCalc SL |
Building street lighting network model (80 luminaires + 80 cable sections + 2 distribution panel boards). |
0 minutes |
15 minutes using Import Blocks, Import Cable Lines and Draw Model Line commands. |
Descripting of street lighting units in the MeteorCalc’s Data Library There are 3 different types of park poles with luminaires in the example file |
15 minutes to collect data of park poles, foundations and luminaires. You will need this data for making bill of materials in future. |
15 minutes for three different types of street lighting units. |
Assigning data to all objects of the project (80 luminaires + 80 cable sections). Data of all objects must be shown on the plan. |
3-5 hours depending on the notation system you use in your projects. |
5-10 minutes for Copy Data, Multiply Data and Insert Cable Marker commands. All lengths of cables will be calculated automatically. |
Numerating street lighting units in the feeders (6 feeders, 80 luminaires). |
1 hour using manual numeration or 30 minutes using third party plugins. |
30 seconds (3-4 clicks) per feeder. |
Distributing by phases in the feeder (6 feeders, 80 luminaires). |
1 hour manually. |
30 seconds (3-4 clicks) per feeder. |
Calculating power sum and load currents for each phase separately (6 feeders). Calculating power sum and load currents in the distribution panel boards (2 DPB). |
1-2 hours manually. The feeder usually contains several luminaires with different powers. |
30 seconds (3-4 clicks) per feeder. 1 minute (5 clicks) per DPB. |
Performing calculations of short-circuit currents at the end points of the feeders according to IEC60909 (14 points of calculation by the method of symmetrical components). |
1-2 hours. This step cannot be done by manual calculation. If you use third party software, you have to prepare and transfer all initial data for calculations manually. |
30 seconds (4 clicks) per calculation point. |
Performing voltage loss calculations in unsymmetrical 3-phase lines with several 1-phase loads (14 points of calculation). |
2-3 hours. This step cannot be done by manual calculation. If you use third party software, you have to prepare and transfer all initial data for calculations manually. |
30 seconds (4 clicks) per calculation point. |
Drawing of schemes (6 feeders with branch lines). Results of electrotechnical calculations must be shown on the scheme. |
6-8 hours for manual drawing. |
1 minute (5 clicks) for main line. 1 minute (5 clicks) per branch line. MeteorCalc SL also performs electrotechnical calculations while drawing schemes. |
Descripting all the data of street lighting units used in the project (3 different types of park poles with luminaires). |
1-2 hours manually. |
20 seconds (3 clicks) using Used Units command. |
Computations of equipment specifications (poles, foundations, luminaires, cables). |
4-5 hours for manual computations. This step is a huge source of errors when done manually. |
30 seconds (4 clicks) per one table of equipment specification. |
Export street lighting units and cables data from a CAD platform to a spreadsheet software (80 luminaires + 80 cable sections). |
1-2 hours manually. |
30 seconds (4 clicks) per one CSV file. |
Total work: | 16-24 hours | Less than 2 hours |
When working with MeteorCalc SL the number of clicks is not dependent on amount of data you are working with. This means that you will need to do the same amount of clicks for feeder with 5 luminaires and for feeder with 50 luminaires.
Your performance will increase exponentially in large projects!