Convenient program interface is built according to all stages of the design process of the electric part of street lighting networks. On this page you can see only some of the many dialog windows used in the MeteorCalc SL.
Assigning data to street lighting unit.
A street lighting unit is a block inserted within the work layer of the program to simulate an electrical consumer in street lighting networks (for example, it may be a street lighting pole with several luminaries or a single pendant luminaire, etc.). Certain data from the Data Library must be assigned to a block to define the street lighting unit.
Assigning data to a power cable. Street lighting cable spans are simulated with lightweight polylines drawn on the program work layer. Certain data must be assigned to an object to define the cable span.
Click on the cable picture to select a new cable construction via "Cable Constructions" window. Having the construction selected, the fields "Cable type" and "Cable wires" load the list of all cables relating to the construction selected.
The dialog window allows to set and view all necessary data of a distribution panel board.
Short-circuit currents in a in street lighting distribution panel board pass through the main switch and the main protective device, electric meter, busbars, power contactors, circuit breakers or fuses. For this reason the impedance of a distribution panel board should definitely be taken into account when calculating short-circuit currents.
The dialog window allows to set and view all required data of a two-winding transformer.
The short-circuit positive sequence impedance of a transformer at the low voltage side will be calculated according to the IEC60909.
The zero-sequence short-circuit impedances of two-winding transformers at the low voltage side are determined from the manufacturer or can be obtained using typical values.
According to the IEC 60909 the calculation scheme should include all elements ranging from the medium voltage supply network to the estimated short-circuit point.
The dialog window allows to set and view all necessary data of a medium voltage supply network to calculate the short-circuit positive sequence impedance.
The dialog window allows to set the initial parameters to calculate short-circuit currents and voltage losses at the selected end point of a feeder.
This command performs two calculations:
The program has a calculation process, which is open to monitoring. On user request every step of all the electrical calculations can be checked.
This information window allows to view all data (including interim and auxiliary results) in each step of the calculation process.
This command calculates the power sum and the load current in the selected street lighting feeder.
Load currents in street lighting feeders with an unbalanced load are calculated for each phase individually. A current in the neutral conductor is calculated as the geometric sum of the phase currents.
The dialog window allows to set the initial parameters to calculate short-circuit currents and voltage losses at the selected distribution panel board.
By the users choice this command allows to perform the following calculations:
This group of commands includes three commands to calculate specifications and explications of equipments: "Feeder Specification", "DPB Specification" and "All Objects Specification".
The following specifications are available: street lighting units, street lighting poles, pole supports and foundations, luminaries, cables, earthing devices and electrical equipment.
Data for street lighting units are stored in Data Library. The Data Library is a main storage of street lighting units data.
The user edits the street lighting units data library to create equipment and material types list necessary for work, accounting for regional and national standards and specifics of the task to solve.
The build-in Help system describes the operation of MeteorCalc SL.
Additionally the Help system contains detailed descriptions of all calculation procedures and recommendations for selection of protective devices in street lighting feeders.